$200,000 Commercial Loan for Real Estate Developer

Worth Avenue Capital
April 1, 2012

Worth Avenue Capital Closes a $200,000 Commercial Loan

Guilford CT – Worth Avenue Capital, LLC in Guilford, Connecticut is pleased toannounce that it has successfully closed another transaction for oneof its clients. WAC arranged financing for a Connecticut basedcommercial real estate developer for the purchase of a commercialbuilding in Western Massachusetts. The loan amount was $200,000 andwas funded by one of WAC’s private lenders. This particulartransaction is now the third loan that WAC has closed for this clientwithin the last few years and WAC was able to complete thistransaction within just a few weeks from the time that the loanrequest was made by the client.During the continuation of this lingering distressed economy in whichthe availability of capital for small businesses is still very tight,WAC continues to offer alternative solutions to these small businessesin terms of obtaining debt capital for their operations.WAC is a financial boutique that specializes in arranging debtfinancing and handling bank workouts and restructurings for smallbusinesses. The principal of the company, Michael M. Ciaburri, can bereached at (203)605-4082 or worthavenuecapital@gmail.com.


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