Connecticut’s Worth Avenue Capital LLC: An Endless Lending Source for Business

Connecticut’s Worth Avenue Capital LLC: An Endless Lending Source for Business

July 22, 2011
For Immediate Release
Michael M. Ciaburri

Guilford, Connecticut – When lending sources dried up a few years back, Worth Avenue Capital found the private lenders necessary to pump ready money into the state’s business communities.

“We concentrated on small to midsize businesses that couldn’t get funding, especially when they needed it most at the outset of the recession,” said Michael M. Ciaburri, Principal Owner and Managing Partner of the company. “When banks tightened credit, and yet benefited from the government’s generous stimulus plan with funds allocated for loans, we saw the desperate need and did something about it.”

Today, Worth Avenue Capital is recognized as one of Connecticut’s more proactive and pragmatic lending sources or a “financial boutique” as Ciaburri describes his company. “We’re here to specifically help privately held small to midsize businesses. We do it with a wide range of financial services and consulting.” Ciaburri continued: “We’ve helped companies to keep their doors open with a fast infusion of capital. Restaurants, developers, landscape contractors, manufacturers and many others -– all have benefited,” Ciaburri said. “We offer forbearance negotiation services and loan workouts, commercial loans and mortgages,
SBA Loans, asset based loans, hard money loans – a cornucopia of endless possible funding from our wide network of private lenders.”

Michael M. Ciaburri is the former president and CEO of a Connecticut based community bank. He can be reached at 203-605-4082 or
