WAC Closes CRE Loan for CT Based Building Supply Company

Worth Avenue Capital
January 11, 2016

January 11, 2016

Worth Avenue Capital, LLC is pleased to announce that it has successfully closed a $240,000 CRE loan for the real estate investment subsidiary of a Connecticut based building supply company. The loan proceeds were used to pay off a supplier of the building supply company and the loan is secured by a blanket first mortgage on two adjacent commercial investment properties that are located in Willington, Connecticut. The loan was funded by one of WAC’s private investors.

The principal of the building supply company contacted Michael Ciaburri three days before the New Year’s holiday long weekend and indicated that time was of the essence to close this transaction. In response, Mr. Ciaburri and WAC’s closing attorney worked through the holiday weekend and closed the loan within one week of the actual loan request.

The borrower has the commercial properties in Willington, Connecticut listed for sale with a CRE broker and will pay off WAC’s bridge loan upon the sale of the properties.


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