Loan Demand Amongst the Small Business Community is Very Strong
“In the December 20, 2013 issue of The Wall Street Journal under The Opinion section, a discussion was published that focused on the loan demand or lack thereof of the business community. Various “experts” wrote in to the WSJ stating that the major reason that banks are not making loans to small businesses is because there is not enough loan demand amongst the small business community. This explanation couldn’t be farther from the truth! I wish that these individuals could spend a week with me to witness all of the small business loan requests that I receive on a daily basis from small businesses that are being turned away by the banks.
In fact; the opposite is true. Loan demand amongst the small business community is very strong and these businesses are clamoring to obtain fresh capital for their companies. Anyone who suggests otherwise is clearly “asleep at the switch” and obviously doesn’t own a small business.”
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