Politics and Small Business Finance

Worth Avenue Capital
July 4, 2013

January 4, 2013: As part of his farewell tour around The State of Connecticut during the Holidays, retiring U.S. Senator Joseph Lieberman visited several diners throughout the state to hold “fire side chats” with the patrons of these diners. The enclosed article and picture of Senator Lieberman was taken at The Athenian Diner in New Haven, Connecticut on December 27, 2012. A week prior to this event,

The Athenian Diner was the recipient of a commercial loan that was arranged by Worth Avenue Capital, LLC. The diner has operated as a very successful establishment for many years and continues to provide quality service and excellent food to its customers. This new commercial loan that WAC arranged for The Athenian Diner will allow the diner to expand its operation. WAC continues to close transactions for both small businesses and real estate developers despite the continued problems that exist with our economy and the issues that have been and will be addressed as part of the “fiscal cliff”.

You can learn more about about WAC by taking a look at their website at worthavenuecapital.com or by contacting its principal, Michael M. Ciaburri at worthavenuecapital@gmail.com or (203)605-4082.

Lieberman New Haven Register


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